Too Small To Fail

So, the past few month I've built a few applications using Rails. They aren't big applications by any means, but they are the old standbys I code up when I'm trying something new. I now have a custom Blog, Gallery, Shopping Cart/eCommerce and semi-Collaborative Task List.

Addendum: RoR on FreeBSD

I realize that it has been 2 months since the series of posts I made about setting up a FreeBSD server to host your Rails applications, but I actually only noticed last week that I forgot to add the reference links to the other blogs I used when compiling the how-to when I reformatted the giant wall of text into smaller sections.

Chromium Nightly Downloader

The past few posts have been a "I use this, but I extended its default functionality with this:" posts... Well this one is no different. I have slowly become fed up with Safari. Every update seems to make it run slower. I've noticed as the day wears on, it can take up to 30 seconds to load a new tab. WTF is that shit.

Rails and project.vim

I've been using project.vim for a while, but theres one thing that really annoys me about it: It doesn't automatically add directories. So in a Rails application, it sucks.


I'm not sure how I skipped over this one, but I just found Rails.vim, a script for Rails specific highlighting, MVC file navigation and rails scripts evocation. I've always favored VIM over... anything, and when I started the latest project, a Rails app, I decided to try out TextMate.

Speeding up FreeBSD's boot

If you have been following my previous posts, you know that I'm configuring my first private production server. Servers tend to be headless, and I can't see much benefit in dualbooting a server... so I always want to see about bypassing the options that are available for such a configuration.

Configuring Mongrel and Mongrel Cluster

This is the fourth in a multipart series on how I configured a headless FreeBSD server when I moved to a VPS provider focusing on installing the application server, Mongrel and Mongrel Cluster, a high performant server written in raw Ruby

Installing Ruby, RubyGems, and Rails

This is the third in a multipart series on how I configured a headless FreeBSD server when I moved to a VPS provider, focusing on installing the application layer, including the Ruby Language, RubyGems - a ruby package manager, and Rails - a Ruby web framweork

Configuring the FAMP Stack

This is the second in a multipart series on how I configured a headless FreeBSD server when I moved to a VPS provider.

Configuring a headless FreeBSD server

This is the first in a multipart series on how I configured a headless FreeBSD server when I moved to a VPS provider, focusing on the bare basics neccessities when building a FreeBSD box from the ground up.